In which I flambe the Christmas Pudding of Dumbassery using the Brandy of Learning. Or whatever. (I will get better at these … ) This week, I’ve started reading The Big Short. Slowly. Hence, the first thing I’ve learned is that … Financial bonds are different to stocks. A stock is owning a share in …
Weekly Ignorance: Babylon and Logos
My weekly attempt to blast the relentless meteor of ignorance, using the Bruce Willis of retained learning. Or something. This week, a smidgeon of Ancient Greek, having finished listening to Stephen Fry’s Mythos. Filling the audiobook void is Man’s Search for Meaning, by psychiatrist and holocaust-survivor Viktor Frankl. A humbling and thought-provoking listen. Also — …
Weekly Ignorance: Cashews and Vladivostok
Welcome to my weekly attempt to lessen my own ignorance and connect those oh-so-slow-to-connect dots. This week: still listening to Mythos; still very Ancient Greek inspired. Also, I’ve been picking up — and picking at — the guitar again, and getting into some music theory. So expect chords and discords in the coming weeks. Tantalising comes …
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