
Everything’s better in micro-form. Microbreweries. Microwaves. Uhm, microbiology? And here’s another one: Microbravery.

Microbravery — which (I believe) originated from writer Caroline Paul — is a  simple concept. It says that courage, like most things, can be developed in tiny doses. It’s a bravery workout.

This makes sense. Most people couldn’t stand up to, say, a belligerent regime. Not at first. However, defending a work colleague in a meeting or — heck — asking a stranger for directions? That seems realistic. And from there, who knows.

Which is fantastic — I’m all for developing some backbone. However, microbravery is missing some razzmatazz. The problem is: I don’t just want to be braver, I want to be a goddamn rebel. That’s courage with style.

This is my twist on microbravery: MicroRebellion. Mini chutzpah. Exercise those I Don’t Give a Damn muscles.

Attempt #1 when shopping at one particular supermarket, I will now intentionally use a reusable bag from a different supermarket. At first, this genuinely bothered me; now I don’t care if it upsets ’em.

Rebel without a cause? Not yet. Rebel without a Bag For Life? No way.